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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Winter is almost over...or maybe not??

So in Portland winter is usually over by now...that is IF we get a winter. Rain seems to be the norm here with maybe a flurry here and there if we're lucky. Judging by the snow that was briefly on the ground this morning I'm thinking we may have another couple weeks or so of this unexpected chill. I am usually glad to see the first signs of spring but the longer winter lasts, the longer hat season is. Yay me! Don't get me wrong the daffodils popping up in my yard are definitely a welcome sight. My green thumb is just waiting to be unleashed!! But I must say, logging into Etsy and seeing that I've sold a few more hats has been wonderful not only for my ego but for my motivation as well.
On another note, the CPSIA (Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act) is putting me a little on edge. I'm hoping I'll be able to sell children's hats next season but how the law is written as of now it's not looking good. I'm crossing my fingers that it'll be amended before this fall....

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