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Thursday, June 3, 2010

My favorite things this month...and one very not so favorite thing.

Favorite thing #1:
So many of you may already know this but just in case ya don't....I'm pregnant and due on June 10th (those of you who've put up with my whining - I owe ya big time!). New baby Mahri Adele will be here on June 10th...woohoo!!

Favorite thing #2:
The Laurelhurst Neighborhood garage sale on June's the best slew of second hand heaven I've ever been to in my life. I'm just hoping I can hobble around well enough by then to check it out...if not there's always next year sniff, sniff....

Favorite thing #3:
Pad Thai Kitchen on SE 23rd and Belmont...omg the best Thai food I've had since I moved here almost ten years ago. Seriously, it's THAT good!!!

Not so favorite thing...I've had to take a break from crocheting for the last month or so as I've got the dreaded pregnancy induced carpal tunnel UGH! For those of you who don't know me - I cannot sit still without being productive so it's been torture. My dr. has assured me that it should subside soon after baby gets here...only a month or so more of it to bear but on the bright side I'll have a newborn to take care of so the likelihood of me having time to crochet is slim anyways right?