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Friday, December 5, 2008

I'm either really motivated or certifiably pick.

So I have three, yes count them, THREE shows this weekend - the dates/times/locations can be found on the right hand side of the page. I've done nothing but crochet for the last two weeks trying to prepare. So far, I'm impressed with how much product I've been able to come up with but I still wish I could teach my hubby to crochet. Make it a family affair right? Ahhhh, In a perfect world.......

I'm super excited about the show at the French American School on Friday and Saturday. They've promised wine tasting, pastries, and performances - all with a French flair so it should prove to be a fabulous time.

One more weekend to go and then I can get started on my marathon baking session....woohoo!!!

1 comment:

FE_MAN said...

Yeah, you are insane! that is a lot of shows to pack in one weekend, but I'm sure you'll do great. good luck.
