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Sunday, October 26, 2008

I snagged this pic of my table off of a blog authored by my friendly neighbor, Becky, the creator of Little Daisy Chains, at the Milwaukie Elementary Bazaar. I've been following her blog for quite a while now - she's very talented with loads of interesting info about her creative endeavors and the crafty community. See, now I don't need to take pictures...if I go to all of Becky's shows I can just have her adorable daughter Riley take my picture and it won't matter if I forget to take a picture for the umpteenth time. Woohoo!!


Vulpesera said...

I was there at Milwaukie Elementary (I was selling my bags in the hall)...I bought my daughter one of your hats in an awesome poison green shade. She *LOVES* it.

Your work is *impeccable*. :)

bigwoowear said...

Thanks so much for the compliments!! It's so so so stupendous to get direct feedback. Which poison green hat was it? I seem to have a lot of green this year...