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Sunday, December 5, 2010

The big daddy....

This is it folks...the big daddy of them all...the Crafty Wonderland Super Colossal Holiday Sale. What's even better than that? It's TWO days this year woohoo!! If you have any holiday shopping to finish up this is the place to do it. Hope to see you this weekend!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Oh là là...

One of my favorite shows of the year this weekend!!
12/03/10 - Friday 3:00pm - 6:00pm...12/04/10 - Saturday 9:00am - 4:00pm...French American International School Holiday Market, 8500 NW Johnson St., Portland, OR 97229...15% of all sales go towards the school.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Next up....

Next show coming up this weekend (11/11-11/13) Thursday (4pm-8pm), Friday (10am-8pm), and Saturday (9am-1pm).......Harvest Moon Bazaar, Good Shepherd Community Church, 28986 SE Haley Road, Boring, OR 97009.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

And so it begins....

First show of the season this coming Sunday woohoo!! Come see me and a ton of other great vendors at Siren Nation (details on time/location to the right). Feel like a McMenamin's burger, beer, or a soak in their ginormous hot tub anyone?

Sunday, August 29, 2010

New things in life....

I can't believe it - summer is almost over. In two weeks I'll have a three month old, a preschooler, and an eighth grader...holy crap. Where have the last few months gone? I feel like I've gotten nothing accomplished but I know I have done way more than most new moms could undertake.

I've had a baby....
I've grown a garden...
I've picked strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and even canned peaches for the first time...
Now all I have to do is make 300 hats and I can rest...wishful thinking right?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

My favorite things this month...and one very not so favorite thing.

Favorite thing #1:
So many of you may already know this but just in case ya don't....I'm pregnant and due on June 10th (those of you who've put up with my whining - I owe ya big time!). New baby Mahri Adele will be here on June 10th...woohoo!!

Favorite thing #2:
The Laurelhurst Neighborhood garage sale on June's the best slew of second hand heaven I've ever been to in my life. I'm just hoping I can hobble around well enough by then to check it out...if not there's always next year sniff, sniff....

Favorite thing #3:
Pad Thai Kitchen on SE 23rd and Belmont...omg the best Thai food I've had since I moved here almost ten years ago. Seriously, it's THAT good!!!

Not so favorite thing...I've had to take a break from crocheting for the last month or so as I've got the dreaded pregnancy induced carpal tunnel UGH! For those of you who don't know me - I cannot sit still without being productive so it's been torture. My dr. has assured me that it should subside soon after baby gets here...only a month or so more of it to bear but on the bright side I'll have a newborn to take care of so the likelihood of me having time to crochet is slim anyways right?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

My two favorite things this month...

1) Joe's Donuts in Sandy...nothing beats their blueberry fritter and it's waaaay worth the drive.

2) OMSI $2 day....only $2 per person on the first Sunday of every month. The fam and I had great fun there last weekend and all for only $8!! Woohoooo!