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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hip Happenings....

So I finally ventured out of our new home into the real world again yesterday. It felt good to be amongst the living. I was lucky enough to drive by a Hip Happenings sign in the Sellwood area so the hubby and I stopped by for a quick peek as I've been wondering about this show for a while now. The Sellwood Masonic Lodge is a great venue if you ask me...of course I love Sellwood so I'm biased. I definitely will look into signing up next winter. I ended up purchasing an awesome hand thrown berry bowl for the MIL too so I killed two birds with one stone woohoo!! Never hurts to shop early for mother's day right?

I've taken a much needed break from crocheting since I've been focused on getting the house put together. I'm starting to get my creative itch again so I think it's time I get back into the groove of things....